Source: Coinmarketbag

4chan: Veve investing: gamification speculation vs collectibles! OMI, GrumpyCat, and 4chan news!

Hey everyone how's it going it is either where Randy Chavez coming out today with a VV Omi Grumpy Cat 4chan update video guys if you're new welcome if you're not welcome back I love you all everyone say hello to the fridge hello fridge Dashie again in the other room so we'll start Off with the 4chan 4chan having a couple of good things and despite that it has gone down like they did just announce oh hey did you finex Global has 150 000 followers over on the Twitter and they said hey congrats guys congrats the 4chan we just listed you uh there's I Don't believe there was any conversations between them and the people that are starting to run 4chan I think it was just hey we're listing you we want some of the fees like they had about uh four million dollars in volume over the last 24 hours that being said They are down about 25 this is reminiscent of about a couple weeks ago when they reached about 20 million market cap they went back down to a 9 million dollar market cap before going all the way back to 33 million so they went to 33 million they're down to about 21.5 million right now um if I had any extra funds some of it might be going into 4chan this is not Financial advice you know I already already have a little bit in there anyway um Grumpy Cat actually has almost as much volume as 4chan has about 3.7 Million in volume uh almost out of 5 million market cap so there's not a ton of liquidity in there there's not a bunch but again it does look like they are in the top uh the top four picks for uh Hobie hopefully they were shortlisted for that there's an hey you guys are Doing really good you don't have to do anything to get on the short list in order for people to go and vote uh so one of those two I think either grumpy cat or 4chan will be on one of those I think both of them will be on Hobie at Some point so we had a pretty interesting day for crypto in general you had Bitcoin up over five percent ethereum up over five percent xrp up over three Lido staked up over five cardano over six Dogecoin over six and Solana over four so this uh they all did Outperform Omi Omi it's not like only went down or anything Omi still did pretty well it's up over three percent at about three and a half percent over the last 24 hours up to Triple zero six zero seven hundred thirty four thousand trading volume so again normally what You would like to see oh bitcoin's up percent only should be up 20 it's not it's only up three but again I'll still take that again I was just on uh crypto Reigns uh live stream his podcast that was really fun it's always exciting seeing the different takes that He has uh he's been in the he's older smarter more experienced than than most people in the crypto industry and when you go and take a look at that oh hey the people that have a lot of money the people that have a lot of experience They're super calm in the in their Omi Investments uh obviously it's good to be cautious but you know I we didn't go over really any crazy price predictions but it is not outside the realm of possibility for Bitcoin I think all the top ten the top 10 crypto in the next seven Years by the end of this decade we'll probably all have trillion dollar market caps and above and I'm not saying that Omi is going to be one of them I don't think they need to be one of them I think you could reach a dollar if There's no Burns and only reaches it out it's a 300 billion dollar market cap and when I bring up that type of thing people like okay when they're assuming no Burns and then they say they think that oh well that's going to be you know higher than ethereum no way that does that Happen you're right there's I don't think there's any way that Omi has a higher market cap than ethereum but you're assuming that in seven years ethereum is going to have the same marketing cap it does now that is stupid people that say that are stupid and you should not listen to them anyway Um Omi doesn't need to crack the top 10 in order to have that you know dollar per Omi uh and again that's assuming there's no Burns we know there's going to be tens of billions of burns probably maybe even over 100 billion in Burns figured we might get us down to about 200 billion market cap you could you know you could actually potentially have a five dollar owe me and not have a trillion dollar market cap just because the amount of burns will be so great the amount of Supply will be so low uh you already have the Five and a half that's going to be burnt uh later this year and then you also have the rest of the business development Wallet not that that's all going to be burned I'm sure they're going to have some of that for other things they want to do Acquisitions Licenses Etc but the fact that they do have that and they don't need it right now again they just went and they took that Incredible Hulk number one and they decided this 200 000 payday that they would get just on the market sales in general just on the drop not including Secondary market sales 200 000 is like nah we don't need it again what other platform would do that I don't I don't think any other platform this nft space would do that right now but again Bitcoin being up I I feel like you have this this aha this Eureka moment that people Are coming to because they're saying oh hey the SEC isn't really against crypto they're kind of connecting the dots and you know putting the conspiracy hat on saying oh well most likely what was happening is that the SEC wasn't really just against crypto they were just trying to really attack binance and Attack coinbase in order to kind of get them out to make room for their friends make room for people at BlackRock Fidelity Deutsche you know all around the world to come in and have like their cronies be the big people uh in in crypto and that makes a lot more sense So it's not like they're again they're feckless but you know maybe not that not as incompetent as I thought they were they did it and attack crypto and binance and coinbase for a reason it's so that other people could come in and become the big names which is really Bullish for crypto because that means that they know it's here to stay they know I mean you have a bunch of screenshots that I'll show you right now we do have uh Fed chair Jerome Palestine crypto appears to have staying power as an asset class no duh uh Bitcoin Magazine saying the Bitcoin and crypto asset class appears to have some staying power in the US economy again just things that I thought were really cool other stuff I think in yesterday's video I had mentioned that sleep in comics he put out his uh a picture of his Uh CBC graded 1.8 The Incredible Hulk and when he did that David you had commented saying I take that I think David actually does have one of these already if I'm not mistaken but just showing just collectors having fun again collectors at heart also shout out to Squid cat or at Mike cat with two T's numeral four on Twitter saying Omi rewards sent out to 39 gold dragon club members five of which also received the Double Dragon bonus if you're not a hundred percent sure what that is I'll go and show you real quick if you go and Take a look at certain listings like you take a look at the Golden Dragon over here it's I have mine listed for 88 000 or 88 888 and the reason why I did that is just because uh that's part of the staking thing that squid Cat decided to Do saying if you list it for that much he'll send you x amount of Omi every month uh so I went and take a look at the transactions here um so it was an extra 4 000 only which I think is just a couple dollars worth but Still uh if you have two of them listed at that you'll get double the amount of me and then he also says stay tuned for the liquid gold giveaway US and Canada and 20 000 Omi drawing before the end of the month he also did just give away a Vacation package as well a two thousand dollar value of a week uh somewhere in Maine and just gave it away just for staking those golden dragons so those are really really cool that's one of the things with the most heavy utility in the game also again going a little bit More on the macro um good you know ta is extraordinary can be extraordinarily helpful for swing trading can be people have made a lot of money with that but again you have a lot of people like let's say uh E-Trade E-Trade did a study years ago That they wanted to take a look at their top investors on the people that had made the most amount of gains through x amount of years every single one of them on that list that had the most amount of gains were dead as and okay well how does that happen They trading from beyond the grave no but they buy a position they die they huddle because they can't do anything else and what happens they have the great it's for the most part for most of the people in the world if you buy and hold that's going to be Better than trying to trade and I bring this up because somebody in a Trading Group on June 16th like yo he's looking real good for a short real good for a short right here and then what happens he he blew up and then you go and you have somebody posts the other Day saying like oh hey drawing charts and drawing invisible lines on a chart saying yep bitcoin's going to 9 200. like look and this wasn't like months ago where people were like oh yeah Bitcoin could go down to like 12K whatever this is recent this is like the other day And you know don't don't try to put too much stock too much stock into people that go and and say that and again many people are successful and they do it fairly consistently and it can be really good for you but uh you know a little bit of knowledge is very dangerous and If you go on you know you think that you can really do it consistently most people cannot so I'm just saying just be weary about people that um are trying to sell you something so I have somebody on Facebook that goes on and says if not gamification I can't See any sense for all this collectibles um I assume this pers

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