Why hello everyone it is either real Randy Chavez coming out today with a VV oh me a grumpy cat and 4chan update video guys for new welcome for not welcome back I love you all everyone say hello to Dashie hello Dashie commenting liking and subscribing is a free way to Help support the channel non-free ways or patreon and smashing that super thanks button down below and become a member there's lots of perks also raytheax.dth domain name so uh we'll start off with I'll guess I'll start with 4chan because for the wow for the longest time oh Sorry I love that song comment down below if you get the reference for the longest time I've had said that Grumpy Cat will probably go up and go on exchanges and do X Y and Z before 4chan so you know I put about seven Grand into Grumpy Cat a little less now and even though Grumpy Cat for the fifth day in a row has outperformed Omi as far as volume and I think uh at least half on the you know how much it's up or down each day 4chan just had a really good night last Night somebody had donated about five eth a little over ten thousand dollars uh because they don't look like five and a half feet so a little over ten thousand dollars to their to the more chest what does that mean that means now out of the I think they Had like two thousand dollars raised already now they have another ten thousand on top of that in order to go and say oh hey we can try to use this for liquidity so we can get on exchanges or just put on exchange for as a listing fee whatever it is They have a really both of these tokens have a really good Community both Grumpy Cat and 4chan token I may have made a mistake and maybe 4chan goes up first I don't know again I have money in both but uh I am a little more heavy and Grumpy Cat the the idea was to take a little bit out of Grumpy Cat as it goes up slow but steadily you know 30 million 50 million dollar market cap and then divest into Omi and in uh into 4chan but it seems that both of them could Possibly go up in conjunction you know congruently with each other we're not sure yet um again anything's possible the two did uh I mean the whole crypto Market took a hit with the SEC saying that it's going to sue binance and it's going to sue coinbase and again more More on that in a little bit uh I went live on that yesterday but what I did want to go over is Omi right now having not too good of a day I mean again the whole Market you know is is not exactly doing well but they are in the top 200 Number 181 so they are failing okay they had a little over six hundred thousand six hundred fifty six thousand in volume today is down five percent but even with Omi being down five percent it is still at triple zero six it has not gone below triple zero five five I think in in like years uh so that does seem to be a nice support line again you had a bunch of people drawing invisible lines on a chart saying that it could go down to Triple zero four below does it I don't know I guess it depends how bad the SEC filing Is we shall see but I will say that with the SEC trying to claim that cardano and and BNB and axes and decentral lands uh mana and sandbox of sand saying that they're all Securities which of course I think is BS if Omi was on all these exchanges only Did have uh it was on the spotlight it could have very well gone on and have been listed as a security with all of these other companies now obviously because you know they're not they've done a very good job in separating themselves now from where they were I Don't think even when they do get on exchanges us whatever I I don't think they would ever be considered as a security again because they're not granted these other uh tokens are not Securities either but you know you have the feckless people the FCC no idea what they're doing trying to stay relevant Just trying to make these claims again they've never won a meaningful case I don't think they'll win this one I I doubt this I'm pretty sure coinbase and finance are just going to roll over them make SEC fold but we shall see a couple Of things we got to go over one of which is uh this one whale had messaged me yesterday saying oh hey uh that was you know Amazing Spider-Man 4 right oh yeah first parents of silk well guess what I got and this person has 557 of those and I was like oh my God that's that's a lot granted they are less than four dollars each but still that is still a lot for any one thing uh I did have somebody message me yesterday with a little bit they had some questions and they also Had a little bit of their own research I'll give my opinions on that so the questions he said it would be very helpful to think deeply about who is the VV Target demographic is it men 35 to 45 because we can back up and practically call who's going to buy what from their Childhood why for example is Miles better than Peter Parker Spidey today and who is coming to collect what and why I think anime and will be one of the biggest plays on here when it arrives this is our current research Focus but would be good topic to poke at uh Appreciate you thank you thank you and here's some of the stuff that they had mentioned after playing uh age the majority of digital collectible buyers are between the ages of 25 and 44. I can attest from this myself I'll go over my YouTube analytes right now and I'll show you what they Say and they're correct uh on my analytics there is 77 I'm sorry 76.5 of my viewers are between the ages of 25 and 44. now granted a 17.4 percent are between 45 and 54 and all of my viewers are well 99.1 percent male I think I did Have this down to like 95 there was a little more females uh and then and then they all just left like nah fam ain't about it so as you do have this yeah uh they're right there obviously are a healthy amount of people between the Ages of 45 and 54. that do watch me but majority is between that 25 and 44 range gender it says metamor likely by digital Collectibles than women yep income digital collectible buyers do tend to have higher incomes in the general population the people that are going Hard on this yeah I mean if you're you know working paycheck to paycheck and you only have like an extra couple hundred a month you're probably not going to be buying digital collectibles however comma I will say this a lot of people especially people with addictive personalities like myself can't help themselves Buddy of mine had a sign business where they'd just go in and oh hey can you make a sign for a birthday uh you know graduation sign I've seen countless people go in with like oh how much for this sign uh you know like 300 bucks whatever it is okay Can I pay 150 now and then the rest of it when I get paid it's like lady if you don't have three hundred dollars to your name do not spend 300 the only money on a sign that is gonna be looked over and thrown out two weeks later that's freaking stupid sorry Um that being said there are people like that like like myself I am scrambling to try to make you know this big purchase which I'm you know one of them will happen the other one may or may not happen um and it's like okay you know well get Paid each week from work whatever I get paid is going to go into this um so I I do that as well but so when he says oh most most of the people that do collect are of higher you know they make higher income that is partially true Right but I do think they are going and they are forgetting the people that oh hey even though they can't spend thousands of dollars on let's say like a partner statue or gold and silver Vivi logo something like that they could still go and they can get some IDs they Could still go and they can get and again saving a couple hundred dollars each month eventually you could be able to get a partner stats you get a partner statue within a year unless the price is real super duper rise which you know they very well can at any moment any moment Anytime Disney could be like yeah go download the VV app and and then it's over and then those things go to the Moon uh anyway education digital collectible buyers are more likely to have college degrees than a general population I don't know where they got the statistic From thinking about it though yeah all of the all of the whales that I know they're all extraordinarily intelligent they're all college educated I'm like the I'm like the one dumb I'm like the one dumb mother flapper uh that has no formal education um but everyone else is extraordinarily Successful again the whales that I uh converse with location digital collectible buyers are more likely to live in urban areas and rural areas a lot of it is going to be on the coasts a lot of it is going to be where big cities are going to be in New York it's Going to be Austin it's going to be Chicago it's going to be a bunch of places in California uh they're they're absolutely correct um again that's where Tech is that's where Innovation is a lot of people in Middle America would laugh at you if you like down in Abbeville Louisiana down in you know even in parts of like Ohio be like Sandusky the Toledo area I mean you go to like Dublin Ohio yeah ever you know they're pretty techy there and then you know it's a rich area but in other parts of Ohio Yeah they would be like what are you doing they'll be like Carrie's mom they're all gonna laugh at you comment down below if you get that reference please somebody get that interest digital collectible buyers are more likely to be interested in technology gaming and art agree here are some additional insights into the Demographic of digital collectible buyers their early adopters digital collectible buyers are more likely to be early adopters of new technologies they are willing to experiment with new products and services and they are often the first to buy into new trends agreed they are passionate about their Hobbies digital collectible buyers are Passionate about their Hobbies they are willing to spend time and money on their Hobbies they're often wil