Source: Coinmarketbag

4chan: Veve to rise the most in bull market! OMI, GrumpyCat, and 4chan price predictions!

Hey everyone how's it going it is either Randy Chavez coming at you today with a VV Omi Grumpy Cat 410 update video guys if you're new welcome for not welcome back I love you all everyone say hello to Dashie hello Dashie commenting liking and subscribing is a free way to help Support the channel amount of freeways are patreon and smashing that super thanks button down below and uh become a member there's lots of perks also rayfax.dth domain name uh so I'll start off with Grumpy Cat and 4chan I want to do a couple little price predictions Here be advised when I first got into 4chan and I told a couple of people not you guys because I don't give Financial advice I just uh you know tell my friends I'll say hey guys good to 4chan just you know for the heck Of it and uh for the heck of it a couple people made a lot of money they've 30X their money when I got into Grumpy Cat I put in around 7 000 around the 7 million dollar market cap and that that has been cut in half That is uh so I now only have 3 500. the reason I did that is because I thought that Grumpy Cat was going to go up well before 4chan I figured these would go up four chances are immable grumpy cat has a lot of really good backing and a lot of really fun Announcements there's actually going to be an announcement I think in like 24 hours I I think by the time you guys see this video it'd probably be within the next 12 hours as of the premiere of this video they'll have a major announcement um and they're supposed to have more sooner But I thought I was like okay I'll put a bunch in the Grumpy Cat when that goes up and I'll go right in the 4chan the opposite happened 4chan went out like a mother flapper again it's up 30X of where it was so could it do another 10x sure Um you know it could go up to you know uh what is it now 23 million Mark out 230 million well passed on me sure I people I remember the same thing happened with Pepe oh everyone's talking about Pepe talking about Pepe and then it really got you know everyone started listing it And I'm not saying we're in a bull market right now I'm just saying that we're closer to a bull market now than we were when Pepe started going out a couple months ago and I just 4chan could keep running and the potential that it has we don't really Know where you know let's say it is another Pepe which again it's the birthplace of Pepe okay well you know you that that's where we go you know at 10x from here is up 200 million could it do 100x from here could it be a two billion dollar market cap it could Um will it I I mean for all we know we have another meme coin come out and 4chan goes to zero you know I have to say I do I believe that no um do I think it'll be too good I probabilities you know bull case bare case base case Base case it'll probably get tens of millions of more dollars to their market cap it'll probably reach over 100 million that's going to be the test same thing with Grumpy Cat grumpy cat is gonna have that test you know that that 100 million is really really hard to get over Um and I'm not saying that guaranteeing you these guys do that you know I don't want to talk too much about it that Vivian Omega over as well um you take a look at these and let's say my base case for these is let's say 50 million for Grumpy Cat uh And then you know 100 million for for 4chan okay well bearcase okay bear case they could both go to zero Bowl case I think 4chan could because of the story because of the way it is I I think 4chan could actually be worth hundreds of millions at some point Grumpy Cat because I have so much in Grumpy Cat I kind of really want to stay a bit more conservative uh I don't want to say like okay bull case you know that that hundred million dollar mark um because again that the hundred thousand dollars if you know if that Happens it's like okay cool um that's you know people wanted that so that's that's speculation here you know hopefully they both happen hopefully go you know further Beyond we shall see only on the other hand it was said by the modern investor I'll play the clip Uh just so I can kind of go over it just so you all know what I'm talking about and we'll go over some of me sure has 169 million Omi I was uh chatting with a friend previous all-time high for OMI was one cent I'm I have I believe that at some point Omi is going to hit one dollar a coin this is my belief and I was telling my friend I showed him the screenshot of the guy who has 169 mil who he has more now 169 million oh me and I was like when that coin Hits 10 cents that's 16.9 million dollars It's insane to think about but uh I'm hyper bullish on Omi I'm always trying to accumulate more I think it is a great project and that's my personal opinion on it that guy on Twitter uh who has them so why I decided to play that because that's a modern investor he'll Be coming on the podcast at some point we wanted to do it for June he had just moved he's got a bunch of stuff going on uh hopefully we'll get to do it in July well hopefully we'll still do it in June but I digress um he is somebody that has a quarter Million subscribers over on YouTube so so he's not a nobody he's not just this random moon boy he gives very good predictions he goes over crypto he lives and breatheses of stuff every single day every single day there's a new show he'll be like good morning everybody and He'll go over the news he's extraordinarily well informed uh he does he does have a bunch of EV stuff a lot of comics he's really into comics um so in case you don't want to hear it from me in case you don't want to be like oh well Chavez you're you're biased Because you have all this homie and your over leveraged and you're Overexposed and et cetera et cetera I mean if I was really over leverage but I've spent eight grand on Luke's would I put seven when I say Luke's Luke Skywalkers would I put 7K into you know Grumpy Cat I I Wouldn't have done these things if I was like super over leveraged and super hard for money um but if you don't want to hear from me hear it from that guy um hear it from crypto rain I'll be on his podcast on Wednesday hear from Sanjay hear it from all these other Successful people that omi's probably gonna do pretty well um you know again not Financial advice nobody knows what can happen but yeah the most most likely in a year from now if you have only you're probably going to be doing really well anyway we Have a bunch of news to go over as well let's start that I posted a video to Twitter the other night or it was a picture to Twitter and it was about the um the Sims from like 2003 on GameCube and my friend happened to have it and we Were playing we're playing GameCube and she said like okay this is my sim house this is my sim daddy Oh Daddy um and then she goes on and and we play we switched the game to Pokemon channels like have you ever played that I was like well I did I got it because not because I thought it was a good game although it was really cute I thought that I could use that to transfer my Gen 2 generation Pokemon to gen 3. I don't think you can do that anyway um We go in and one of the first things she does you know in her room she has Pikachu following around has a little Oddish toy it was cute was that she go she gets mail delivered standing by the window and it has a package for her she had bought stuff um Like digitally like obviously this Pokemon channel it's fake money but she had bought stuff and Professor Oak tells her that she had sold some stuff she has some more poke dollars what is the first thing that she does she goes and buys more stuff what do people do when they Have found money they buy more things and this just goes show like I could show you our basement it is I could show you her room in the office a lot of you've seen it covered with plushies and toys and Funko pops and posters and action figures She could she has three Christmas trees every year with ornaments there's not a lot of room for more physical stuff in the house only other option is digital even when she was a kid digital stuff that she would buy and now again it's with fake poke dollars but they're telling me that You know a lot of these people that buy stuff in the digital world even if it is polka dollars whatever that if they could if you could spend real money on these things they wouldn't of course they would like you have Among Us which makes billions of dollars because of the Micro transactions of two dollar uh toilet paper hats and two dollar things like this is already a multi-multi billion dollar industry um digital collectibles in my opinion is just that next step forward every single kid that is born from now in the next 20 years that's what they're gonna do the physical I really hope that people will appreciate it but there was this girl on the Fine Bros uh the Fine Bros is uh they do like oh Kids React and teens react and Elders React you know have reaction channels and there's this one girl that that really really loved books and she was The minority um you know everyone I was like ah digital's fine you know whatever that a lot of kids didn't really care but she's really upset that uh that when they had stopped printing the Encyclopedia Britannica I think they stopped printing it in 2011. and she got really obsessed like This is really sad is it marks the end of an era and you get nostalgic for stuff and you know I had a couple of those when I was a kid and but again and this was like this was years ago like this like six years ago This episode came out probably even more than that I've been out of the military for almost six years now wow seven years now almost um in the future yes you will have the minority of of children like that that appreciate physical stuff and I think that's going to be sad that you know Most of them don't but that's the way the world is going it's going digital it's it's already there like that I feel like myself loving physical Pokemon cards I feel like a Timex watch in a digital ag

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