Hey everyone how's it going it is either real Randy Chavez coming at you there with the VV Omi Grumpy Cat Earth uh I guess Earth two 4chan update video guys we're new welcome you're not welcome back I love y'all everyone say hello commenting liking and subscribing is a Free way to help support the channel non-free ways or patreon and smashing that super thanks button down below in the chats as well and uh become a member there's perks and also greatax.dth domain name we've got uh we've got a couple things to go over here it's been a fantastic Day we'll start off uh with some 4chan stuff one of the new devs had reached out and he had said hey we're doing a hey Randy hope you're well we're doing the giveaway we'll post what to do today if possible and if you could We would be able to draw on a live video that you do I think then everyone come to the Channel watch us see the draw I'm like yeah sure all about giveaways love it um this is the every single every x amount of thousand dollars that 4chan raises in their Dev wallets and or in order to go to exchanges in order to go to uh and just pay for things they do some giveaways back to the community uh so I'll let me post the link to the Twitter down below uh of what you have to do and I'll Find it for you um here we go all right 4chan token 24 hours I'm going to copy this link I'm gonna go put it on the YouTube Dr rips I don't know if I can find it and that's where you'll be able to go for the um That's where you'll be able to go for to see what you want to do um and then you can potentially win I like a couple dozens of dollars for a 4chan token uh grumpy cattle do something similar at some point uh I'm not 100 sure what those giveaways will Be these giveaways are going to be on I think on Tuesday um yep giveaway uh it'll be on Tuesday uh and that will be at night at some point just because I have a lot of stuff to do during the day so it would be probably towards like eight eight at Night I would say um but you know give give me give me a little bit to find out the exact time uh Grumpy Cat they have yet to announce what tier you know what uh they've yet to announce exchanges and they've yet to announce what uh utilities and what the other stuff is For uh we'll get that at some point um I'm not sure when one of the devs has said somebody and this is coming from like for you know I heard from this person I heard from this person said that as Deb said we would need like a 15 To 25 million market cap it's like a three to five x from there now that might be for one of the exchanges that they were talking about or Grumpy Cat though listen up I I know a little bit about getting on exchanges there are some exchanges that will waive their Twenty thousand dollar or you know however much listing fee that they have as long as they get let's say like twenty thousand dollars worth of tokens now the company that I knew that was for the exchange that I knew that was paying oh yeah just give us 20 000 for the Tokens for liquidity um they weren't when we had this conversation we weren't talking about Chromecast we were talking about something else um but that's all it takes is just somebody giving them 10 each worth of tokens uh worth of uh probably got tokens and again it doesn't Have to be grumpy Tad it could be x amount of things but I'm just saying is if some if you hear say if you hear somebody saying oh we're not going to get on exchanges and total of 15 to 25 million market cap that is false maybe You could you're not able to get on certain exchanges without that you can definitely get on other exchanges before that uh moving on to some some other news we have here let's go what did I do yesterday um or what did I not go over yesterday I Was going to make a video today but then I was like I can't do it um I I had too much stuff to do um so David announced in the live stream yesterday that he had done uh on the German YouTube channel uh not not BB's Just a German one saying there will be a a new gold and silver uh Vivi logo but there's gonna be a gold and silver new VV logo not the one that we have now uh which will either be airdropped or crafted or linked to an event he said he Doesn't know exactly what they will do but gold and silver VB logo holders will get one of the new logo I I'd imagine it would be like hey you know it's incentive to come to an event but then of course you know you have some people that you know got it for Free got you know whatever and maybe they can't go to every event and that might be hard for them maybe they're falling hard times uh so it's possible that they don't I'd like to see him do it for the event um but again I know that not everyone Can make it to those uh especially if you're in another part of the world whether it cost you thousands of dollars to go and the airfare and like for that it's like I don't know if I was in Australia and let's say they're not going to come to Australia for like Another year or so I'd be like all right I'm gonna I'm gonna take that you know three to five thousand dollars I would take to go to the US take to you know get get a hotel whatever and I would just buy homie you know that's what I would do Um not Financial advice and so I understand them not doing that um something crafted okay I I think that would cause a little bit of Bud if you just said like oh hey this crafting event is just for the gold and silver VV logo holders why does this hat seem like it's That better okay um so I think you do cause a lot of fun people like oh they get special treatment okay fair um I think a lot I think a good amount of people that have the logo might deserve special treatment I'm not saying that I'm one of them I'm just saying That some of the other people that do other stuff for the community foreign but I understand why they would not want to do that so that leaves the airdrop okay I mean when when you airdropped people uh I know the like the yucky Charmers right uh like the the gold and silver Yucky charmer or the gold and silver trickster for kids fat rabbit when you airdrop those those were because well you uh they completed a set okay well if you're gonna air drop this it's for people that completed the set it's for people that got the gold and silver VB logo I think airdrop would probably be their best bet uh is that 100 what they're gonna do I have no idea but again in my opinion it's just gonna be uh the airdrop would be easiest and would not step on as many toes um there's a buddy of mine that a Message saying oh hey guess what I have seven you can't see that saying that they have seven uh Gwen Spidey secret rares you know Ed is spider-verse two and uh and 35 common so that is quite a lot you know people are going pretty hard on that one I went Over the Donnie yesterday that somebody bought um I went over this yesterday but I have to go over it again because it needs to be done uh flourage design over on Twitter says you know in the next 30 years it's very possible that Miles Morales can be the more commonly known Spider-Man than Peter Parker to the younger generation the cultural impact he's having as a Legacy character is unlike any other to exist before him 6.5 million impressions on that and that and that was yesterday that that was before the movie numbers came in movie numbers came in uh across the Spiderverse has a 120.5 million dollar opening weekend that is the third highest grossing uh Spider-Man opening weekend ever um which which did like 4X more than the first one into the spider-verse was like 35 million but the only ones that it did not beat was Spider-Man no way home Which obviously when you have Tony McGuire wouldn't have Edgar filled in there that was a 260 million dollar opening weekend nobody is beating that uh and then you have Spider-Man 3 which had 150 million dollar weekend and nowadays nobody even likes Spider-Man 3 it just I mean I'll still watch it you Know I just you know um but but yeah 120 million dollars post Rona uh opening weekend the third best in in the Spider-Man franchise I think is really really powerful and if you go and you take a look at um opening weekends for animated things or I'm sorry opening weekends for this year It had the uh it had the second highest the only one that beat it out was Super Mario Brothers Super Mario Bros had a 146 million dollar opening weekend and then came across the spider-verse but across the spider verse beat out guardians of galaxy three and that's a major module Major Marvel motion picture you know that's you know the end of the sequel the end of the run it outbeat quantumania it out uh I'll beat a Little Mermaid which only made 95 million opening weekend and I think Little Mermaid had like a four day weekend too It beat out John Wick 4 fast X Creed 3 Scream Six again the only other movie to beat it for an opening weekend this year was Super Mario Brothers and that's you know I I be getting the Super Mario Brothers on my arm um and the biggest animated opening Weekends ever you have uh one two three four five this is this came in sixth place the biggest and again it didn't lose to just like random places it Incredibles 2 186 million opening weekend Super Mario Bros 146 Finding Dory 135 Frozen 2 130 and Toy Story 4 just squeaked It Out by By literally four hundred thousand dollars at 120.9 so it's basically tied to Toy Story 4. all of these are actually sequels uh with the exception of Super Mario Bros so that's that's it was gonna be bananas but yeah Miles Morales is making absolute I gotta I I really should take my I have a spidey 2099 for sale I really should take that off I really I really wanna I wanna go to my listings yeah I have it listed for it's a sub 100 for 777. I I just took it off I'm not I'm not selling that uh not anytime soon But again I just want to go and let people know that you know we have that comma coming out I think tomorrow uh 10 000 Comics um so that'll sell out instantly pretty much let me see if it yeah so