June 2016Regaining booty confidenceI have to smile when I think of an elderly patient who, when he came in for a final check-up, told me his wife took a peek at his hemorrhoid-free backside and remarked that it looked beautiful.Of course, the main goal of hemorrhoid treatment is to stop the pain, itching, bleeding, leakage and discomfort associated with those bulging anal cushions. A common side effect of treatment, though, is improved confidence.Some people spend their days worrying that blood has soaked through their pants, that they'll be out somewhere and have to spend extra time in the bathroom trying to get clean or that general discomfort is clearly showing on their face.Instead of worrying that your struggle with hemorrhoids is noticeable when you're out in public, why not redirect your thoughts toward enjoying special moments again, reengaging in activities you've given up and smiling a little more, knowing that if someone is checking out your backside, it might just be because it's beautiful.I've helped thousands of people reclaim their lives and I can help you, too.Infrared CoagulationI use a high-intensity infrared light, similar to a laser, to reduce the blood flow and inflammation, addressing the problem at its source.CRH O' Regan MethodThis method allows me to apply gentle suction to the redundant tissue and easily place an elastic band to remove larger hemorrhoids.Both of these treatments take only a few seconds to do, and since they are performed in an area with no nerve endings they can be administered right in the comfort of my office without anesthesia. There is virtually no pain, no prep needed, there are no major restrictions, and you don't have to take time off of work.Our consultations are free of charge and our procedures are covered by insurance.Download the original Mimi Magazine article here.