Source: Advanced Hemorrhoid Specialists Blog

Advanced Hemorrhoid Specialists Blog May 2016 - No, you don't need surgery

May 2016No, you don't need surgeryPeople tend to put a lot of faith in what their doctor tells them. After all, he or she is the medical expert-the person who should understand the best treatment options for what ails you.But when it comes to treating hemorrhoids, many primary care physicians are not up-to-date on the latest non-surgical methods. So instead of helping hemorrhoid sufferers find relief, they sometimes exacerbate patient concerns by suggesting that surgery is the only method for treating hemorrhoids.This simply isn't true.I've performed more than 25,000 non-surgical hemorrhoid treatment sessions, right in my office, with no anesthesia required. The procedures I offer take only seconds to do and are performed in an area with no nerve endings. There is virtually no pain, no prep needed, there are no major restrictions and you don't have to take time off of work.A painful, expensive surgery should be your last option, not your first. The non-surgical treatments I offer are simple and effective, and I know I can help you to finally find lasting relief from the burning, pain, itching and bleeding of hemorrhoids.Infrared CoagulationI use a high-intensity infrared light, similar to a laser, to reduce the blood flow and inflammation, addressing the problem at its source.CRH O' Regan MethodThis method allows me to apply gentle suction to the redundant tissue and easily place an elastic band to remove larger hemorrhoids.As always, our consultations are free of charge and our procedures are covered by insurance. We have been a trusted hemorrhoid practice in Northeast Ohio for the past decade, and most people don't need a referral to be seen by me.Download the original Mimi newspaper article here.

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