Posted By: GroveDuring the cold winter months, it's difficult to be motivated to do anything, especially to leave the house! With that, stepping outside to meet friends for drinks sounds much less appealing than staying in and opening a bottle of wine. For those below-freezing days that you refuse to leave the house, don't limit yourself to just beer or wine; there are plenty of cocktails you can make at home that will turn out delicious, with ingredients you already have in your cupboards.One of our favorite cocktails for the winter season will warm you up from the inside out and can even help fight a head cold. The Hot Toddy is a classic cocktail and home remedy that you can easily DIY when you're snowed in at home. And even more convenient, next Monday is National Hot Toddy Day! But have you ever tried this seasonal classic mixed with Chai tea?A couple months ago, I shared this recipe with our friends over at 616 Lofts for a complimentary pairing with pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving, but we think this pairs best with almost anything when you're chilled to the bone! Here's what you need...Chai Tea Hot ToddyIngredients1.5 oz. Knob Creek Rye Whiskey* (Brandy or Bourbon, if you prefer)1 oz. Michigan-made honeyChai tea (Nate recommends the chai blend from Water Street Coffee Roaster in Kalamazoo)2 dashes of angostura bitters (You can find these at Martha's Vineyard!)½ lemon, juicedLemon slice and cinnamon stick for garnish* (optional)Directions1. Boil water and steep chai tea for 4 minutes. Set aside.2. Warm up the glass.3. Fill the glass with whiskey, bitters, honey, and lemon juice.4. Pour in 3 tsp. tea once it's steeped. Stir.5. Garnish with a lemon slice and cinnamon stick.6. Serve!Now you can stay warm and have your cocktails too, both at home and out on the town. But don't be MIA for too long! This cocktail is perfect to enjoy in between dinner and dessert. Come visit us at Grove for even more unique and tasty cocktails to choose from.