Lately we've encountered a number of files not quite formatted as their creators intended. This is mostly due to files being created using the A4 paper size (a European standard) and not US Letter paper size (8.5" x 11"11th, 2001, 2016, 4th, 911, A4, Acrobat, adobe, Adobe Reader, AI, announcement, approval, artwork, bleeds, book, booklet, bookletize, calendar, changes, Christmas, client file, closed, Closed, cold, communication, cost, cutting, D-Day, design, ease, election day, email, estimate, File, Fit to Page, fonts, format, fourth, Fourth, friendly, GIF, glance, graduation, graphics, guideline, hello, holiday, Holiday, honor, hours, Hours, Independence Day, InDesign, inside, invitation, job, job order, JPEG, JPG, July, July 4, Labor Da, Labor Day, layout, letter, live area, Memorial, New Year, New Years, New Years Day, New Years Eve, open, open hours, packaging, paper, party, PDF, pricing, printer spreads, Printing, printing, production, proof, Proof, proportion, quote, ratio, reader spreads, remember, remembrance, resolution, sacrifice, September, size, snow, spreads, Thanksgiving, trim, USA, Veterans Day, vote, wall calendar, warm welcome, weather, website, welcome, what the font, winter, word, wtf