Source: Bethart Printing Blog

Bethart Printing Blog Sending Files

The past 20 years have seen the digital side of our business change from customers bringing us files on a floppy disk to sending us files daily in email or via our website or file sharing platforms such as Google Drive11th, 2001, 2016, 4th, 911, A4, Acrobat, adobe, Adobe Reader, AI, announcement, approval, artwork, bleeds, book, booklet, bookletize, calendar, changes, Christmas, client file, closed, Closed, cold, communication, cost, cutting, D-Day, design, ease, election day, email, estimate, File, Fit to Page, fonts, format, fourth, Fourth, friendly, GIF, glance, graduation, graphics, guideline, hello, holiday, Holiday, honor, hours, Hours, Independence Day, InDesign, inside, invitation, job, job order, JPEG, JPG, July, July 4, Labor Da, Labor Day, layout, letter, live area, Memorial, New Year, New Years, New Years Day, New Years Eve, open, open hours, packaging, paper, party, PDF, pricing, printer spreads, Printing, printing, production, proof, Proof, proportion, quote, ratio, reader spreads, remember, remembrance, resolution, sacrifice, September, size, snow, spreads, Thanksgiving, trim, USA, Veterans Day, vote, wall calendar, warm welcome, weather, website, welcome, what the font, winter, word, wtf

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