Beauty Evolvetogether product range Credits: Evolvetogether Luxury personal care brand Evolvetogether has confirmed its retail debut with luxury beauty retailer Bluemercury to extend its reach beyond its direct-to-consumer digital roots to a broader audience. The beauty brand is known for its planet-conscious, high-performing daily essentials with clean formulas that leave the skin feeling cleansed without stripping, nourished with plant-based oils and butters, and delicately scented with fine fragrance. The strategic partnership will see its entire collection available in more than 50 Bluemercury stores across America and online. It follows its recent launch with Amazon and aims to strengthen its distribution channels and bring to life "the physical and experiential elements that are so core to the brand's persona". Cynthia Sakai, founder and chief executive of Evolvetogether, said in a statement: "We are so excited to announce our retail launch with Bluemercury. At Evolvetogether, we're building a timeless brand with core pillars of high-performing formulas, beautiful fragrances and designs, and care for people and the planet. "Bluemercury has curated a haven for customers looking for luxury essentials and we're thrilled to have them as our first retail partner." Tracy Kline, head of merchandising and spa at Bluemercury, added: "The partnership with Evolvetogether is such a natural fit for Bluemercury as the brand embodies what our client is seeking by offering a full suite of high-performing, sustainable luxury products that are easy to weave into one's daily routine. "From their thoughtful origins to their values and sleek esthetic, we can't wait to share this assortment with our consumers in store and online."
Bluemercury is a Maryland-based cosmetics company that retails products such as beauty supplements, skincare lotions, fragrances, moisturizers and haircare accessories.