Pinterest had the good fortune of surging in popularity relatively soon after launching its beta in 2010. However, after registering millions of users, the social network still had a lot of work to do. At first, the site was buggy, the UI wasn't especially intuitive and the overall service lacked some significant features. But what saved the visual social network was Pinterest's game-changing design. Even so, Pinterest began changing its formula slightly, after rolling out a new design Monday. In the grand scheme of things, the design alterations are subtle - Pinterest eliminated the white space between pins and boards, and cleaned up navigation options. But the social platform also made some less obvious alterations; for example, no more hashtags or pin links. For a synopsis of Pinterest's recent changes, review the infographic below, created by PinAlerts, and Avalaunch Media. What else could Pinterest stand to alter? Leave your suggestions in the comments below. BY STEPHANIE BUCK...