Source: Dahlal International Blog

Dahlal International Blog A Rainbow of Colors and the Right Price make Off The Nile Akhet Holographic Lycra Tops and Matching Skirts a Perfect Troupe Option

Finding just the right costume to flatter your curves and fit your taste can be tough. Finding an ideal look for an entire troupe creates an even more daunting task. Whether your troupe wants a thematic look to complement the performance or an exact image to create a unified stage presence, at Dahlal Internationale we've designed and produced several options for troupe costuming. If your goal is to feature exciting choreography and uniform movement, identical costuming removes distraction and lets the audience focus on the dancing. Not only will your look be in sync, but your dance steps will appear more evenly matched to those of your troupe members. Designs like our Akhet Holographic Lycra Mock Wrap Top with a sassy cold shoulder and our matching Akhet Holographic Lycra Mermaid Skirt are suited for any body without breaking the budget. Available in eleven different colors and a full range of sizes, each dancer can choose her favorite color or wear the same color for an even more uniform look. Pair this ensemble with one of our many belly dance hip scarves and you've got a professional unified look that's stage ready. Here's a great example of what we're talking about. Take a look at how Zariifa's Belly Dance Troupe from Cape Cod chose several different colors and then paired each set with the same multicolored wrap. Thanks, Zariifa, for this colorful troupe picture taken after your Rakkasah East performance in New Jersey!

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