Source: Dashe & Thomson Blog

Dashe & Thomson Blog Leaders in L&D: 6 Power Skills Needed to Lead Effectively

As we’ve written before, workforce agility is necessary for any organization to adapt to rapidly changing environments. After the pandemic hit worldwide, I think it’s safe to say that most organizations now operate in a significantly changed environment. Organizations across the globe have faced great challenges over the years. Are you equipped to lead in the new business world, especially with significant changes made to operations, process, and labor force? Whether you’re responsible for an employee, a team, a department, or an entire organization, developing effective leadership skills is critical. For years now, essential leadership skills have been referred to as “soft skills.” However, a growing business trend is now to refer to these said skills, as “power skills.” You constantly here about upskilling and reskilling, but the skills of the future are not technical, they’re behavioral.  Power skills are highly complex, they take time to learn, and they are constantly changing.  By emphasizing the importance of power skills, you can begin to build a culture of engagement and transparency.  

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