Flyers are a great way to promote your next event, product launch or service offering. The 8.5 x 11 inch flyer is the most popular size. Most commonly used for promoting real estate listings, product data sheets, sell sheets, price lists or hand outs. Flyers make your announcements and events stand out from the competition. Draw attention to a special event or sale, post notices, announce job openings and more.Flyers are flat, they do not fold. To order, click here.If you want a folded piece, click here for Brochures.Prints on 100# glossy paper, full color. Takes approximately 1 week to complete.Choose From:8.5 x 5.5 - Single Sided8.5 x 5.5 - Double Sided8.5 x 11 - Single Sided8.5 x 11 - Double Sided11 x 17 - Single Sided11 x 17 - Double SidedMore ResourcesFlyer templates