With the vast advancements in digital photography, printing, and software, photo booth has made a dramatic re-appearance. What was once a mislaid invention of the American culture, no event is ever complete without having a photo booth.Markham, ON -- (ReleaseWire) -- 11/19/2014 -- Photo booth is the world's ever first DIY art-making device. The modern photo booth that we have now is a product of centuries of evolution proving how rich our world is when it comes to inventions and creations.The copyright for the first ever mechanized photography machine was filed in 1889 by Mathew Stiffens. But this invention by Stiffens was not successful as it did not get much attention from the public. It was actually the Siberian immigrant Anatol Josepho in 1925 who was made famous for his invention of the contemporary photo booth with those customized curtains and backdrops.The history of the photo booth unfolds three segments: the mid-1920s, the reign of Anatol Josepho, and the modern photo booth concept.The original period which sprang up to the mid-1920s has many different novelty theories in both mechanics and photography that laid the foundation for the photo booth that we have today. France, in fact, hosts a number of innovators when it comes to photo booth. These innovators are actually considered as the "fathers of the genre".Anatol Marco Josepho is the next segment of the photo booth history. Being the father of photo booth, Josepho was able to resolve many issues concerning the photo booth's popularity. He was in fact paid million dollars because of his invention. This middle history had its focus in New York until the World War II when Josepho made such a huge impact in promoting the New York City company that he created with Mutoscrope Company being the owner of its patent. A number of imitators has since progenized.The final period of the photo booth era moved its focus to Southern California and then back to Europe where it originated. The whole world eventually embraced the photo booth concept and has become popular in every life event of most people in the world.With the vast advancements in digital photography, printing, and software, photo booth has made a dramatic re-appearance. What was once a mislaid invention of the American culture, no event is ever complete without having a photo booth. Photo booth rental in Toronto, for instance, is becoming a booming business and every photographer and photography services company ensure that they have this service listed in their packages.About FocusFocus is a family business that started in 2009. They practice and easy going and non-invasive style, however this does not mean they putting the quality of their services and products at risk, they just understand that some of their client may be uncomfortable with cameras. Through the years, the family grew and so is their production studio. Presently, Focus houses more than 20 talented Toronto wedding photographers and videographers catering to all Toronto weddings and the occasional destination weddings.For more information on this press release visit: http://www.releasewire.com/press-releases/focus-production-rekindles-the-history-of-photo-booth-the-dramatic-comeback-of-the-lost-figment-of-american-culture-563011.htmMedia Relations ContactDimitry VitalFocus ProductionTelephone: 905-305-1111Email: Click to Email Dimitry VitalWeb: http://www.focusproduction.ca/