About the Journal The term "Abhidhvaj", inspired by the Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta, represents the inception of a nation. Abhidhvaj Law Journal is a prestigious e-law journal committed to high academic standards and rigorous research. Why Publish with Us? Indexed in 30+ Databases: Including EBSCO (World Biggest database), J-GATE, Manupatra, ROAD, ABCD Index, Scope Database, Google Scholar, ROAD, ZDB, [...] The post Call for Papers & Articles: Abhidhvaj Law Journal [Volume 3, Issue 3; Indexed in 30+ Databases - EBSCO (World Biggest database), J-GATE, Manupatra, Google Scholar, ROAD; Peer-Reviewed, Impact Factor 6.61, FREE DOI, Hard Copy, Academic Recognition, LIVE Tracking]: Submit Now! appeared first on Lawctopus.
Google is a California-based multinational technology company that offers internet-related services such as a search engine, online advertising and cloud computing.