Source: Griffin Motorwerke Blog

Griffin Motorwerke Blog Porsche Brake Squeal

Brake Squeal is often times not a sign of any larger problem with your vehicle. Porsche has dealt with its fair share of complaints about squeaky brakes over the years and finally decided to make a video dispelling some of the myths surrounding brake noises. The video gets into the various sources of brake noises found in a perfectly functional system. Even with the most expensive designs and materials, pressing a pad against a metal disc spinning extremely fast can cause tiny vibrations, turning the rotor into a speaker of sorts, broadcasting the squeal to everyone around. This is even more true in bigger, stronger brake systems with larger surface areas. In these cases there is more room for extremely small variations along the pad's contact patch giving more reason for brake squeal.Additionally, when using more advanced materials for high-performance applications, noise reduction usually comes second to stopping power. Porsche explains in the video that they try very hard to mitigate brake noises with some engineering trickery, but "some squealing is inevitable."At Griffin Motorwerke we want to reassure you that brake squeal is usually not something that should keep you up at night. That said, if you do want to have your brakes inspected we are here to assist you.

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