As always we had a great time out at the track putting our shop Audi A3 to the test. We always enjoy seeing what our new parts additions do to contribute to the overall performance of this car. Being able to really test the products that we offer allows us crucial insights that help shape the way we guide our clients as they work at improving the performance of their own cars.One product, in particular, that really stands out to us at the moment is VW Racing's (VWR) Oil Catch Can System. We recently installed this product on our A3 and we have been nothing but impressed with the results we've seen. This product is designed to provide a solution to the problem of oil starvation seen when the car is continuously undergoing high G braking and cornering. The MQB EA888 Gen3 2.0T engines have a tendency to collect a large volume of oil within the cylinder head during combined heavy braking and cornering causing plumes of white smoke to billow from the car's tailpipes.Under hard braking, the oil is forced to escape through the rocker cover breather ports filling the factory breather valve in a matter of seconds. The overflowing, overwhelmed valve then spits the surplus oil straight into the intake, causing this smoke. With no oil returning to the sump, this starves the oil pick up (inside the sump, where it should collect oil to lubricate the engine) and the engine can momentarily "run dry" - enough to cause devastating consequences to your engine internals. Not good, to say the least. Where the VWR system differs is by diverting this trapped oil straight back down into the main camshaft area of the cylinder head rather than allowing it to escape out through breather ports. VWR catch cans also completely replace the factory breather valve and separates liquid oil from oil fumes so that liquid oil never makes it back into the intake. This will significantly reduce carbon build up on the intake valves over a period of time. All of this adds up to the VWR Oil Management System being essential for reliability, engine safety and performance if you're planning to be pulling high-G forces anytime.