Source: MsnAd Barestep Foot Neuroраthу (Nerve Pain)? Doctors Say To Try This Shoe Ad Enence This Brilliant Japanese Invention Instantly Translates Foreign Languages Ad Daily Mail Follow 1.4M Followers Macy's to shut one of its most iconic stores within 72 hours Story by Alice Wright For Dailymail.Com and Daniel Jones, Consumer Editor For Dailymail.Com • 1h In this article M ▼ -0.30% KSS ▼ -0.36% BIGGQ ▼ 0.00% 1 / 11 ad ad Macy's to shut one of its most iconic stores within 72 hours ©Image uploaded from CC Composite Editor ( id : 160013 ) Macy's will shutter one of its most famous stores this weekend, leaving loyal shoppers just hours left to visit. The much-loved but struggling retailer will shut the doors of its Center City, Philadelphia location on Sunday. 1 / 11 ad ad Macy's to shut one of its most iconic stores within 72 hours ©Image uploaded from CC Composite Editor ( id : 160013 ) Macy's will shutter one of its most famous stores this weekend, leaving loyal shoppers just hours left to visit. The much-loved but struggling retailer will shut the doors of its Center City, Philadelphia location on Sunday. 4 Ad Lovefood Follow 255.5K Followers 35 discontinued fast food items we still miss Story by Luke Paton • 1w 1 / 36 ad ad Baby, come back ©Greg Balfour Evans/Alamy Stock Photo/مانفی, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons Fast food fanatics are always excited to try new menu items, whether we're talking wacky debut burgers or fresh takes on fries. So it can be heartbreaking to discover a new favourite dish, only to see it taken off the menu. Sometimes you'll get lucky, and a social media campaign will bring it back. But often, all you're left with are your memories of a fabulous feast. Here, we've ranked the world's tastiest discontinued fast food items, counting down to the one fans want to bring back the most. Click or scroll through our gallery to discover the long-gone fast food items that deserve a comeback. We've based our ranking on the enduring popularity of each dish in its place of origin and beyond, and on the opinions of our well-travelled (and well-fed) team. The list is unavoidably subjective. 1 / 36 ad ad Baby, come back ©Greg Balfour Evans/Alamy Stock Photo/مانفی, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons Fast food fanatics are always excited to try new menu items, whether we're talking wacky debut burgers or fresh takes on fries. So it can be heartbreaking to discover a new favourite dish, only to see it taken off the menu. Sometimes you'll get lucky, and a social media campaign will bring it back. But often, all you're left with are your memories of a fabulous feast. Here, we've ranked the world's tastiest discontinued fast food items, counting down to the one fans want to bring back the most. Click or scroll through our gallery to discover the long-gone fast food items that deserve a comeback. We've based our ranking on the enduring popularity of each dish in its place of origin and beyond, and on the opinions of our well-travelled (and well-fed) team. The list is unavoidably subjective.
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