Supermarkets stock both brand name products and generic or store brand products. Both products are similar, but sometimes there can be a difference in quality. The same is true of OEM and aftermarket car parts. Original Equipment Manufacturer parts are made by the manufacturer of the vehicle. They were designed and produced to perfectly fit that particular vehicle. Aftermarket car parts can be designed to work exactly the same way as their OEM counterparts, but they aren't produced by the manufacturer. When you visit an auto body shop, the technician can help you figure out which is the best choice for your vehicle.OEM parts are more expensive and usually higher in quality, which is why not all insurance policies will cover them. If yours won't, you can ask the auto body technician to use the highest possible quality of aftermarket parts. Or, you can check with the insurance company. Some will allow drivers to use OEM parts if the drivers agree to pay the difference between the cost of the OEM and the aftermarket part.At Michael J's Body Shop, we're known for our world-class craftsmanship and unbeatable customer service. Call our auto body shop in San Jose today at (408) 279-2070 to request free pick-up assistance or to ask a question about your emailed repair estimate.