OSE Membership Version 7.0.0 - 7.0.1 * Enhancement - Enhanced the getMember function to avoid a possible advanced SQL injection vulnerability * Enhancement - Added Company column/search on Members and Licenses pages * Enhancement - Added Warning message when changing member level * Enhancement - Added Membership Option in Sales and Member pages * Enhancement - Added Phone in admin new user form * Bug Fix - Fixed: Nothing shows up in the front-end Billing HistoryOSE Membership Version 7.0.0 RC2 - 7.0.0 Stable * Enhancement - Improved OSE login view to add the remember me function so users can be automatically login after the browser is closed. * Enhancement - Improved member renewal addon interface * New Feature - Added IP Control funtion so only certain IPs can access the restricted content * Enhancement - Improved 3rd Variation Payment Form to add the Credit Card Owner information.