Nurses often hold licensure in different states. Some have moved and simply do not want to give up their rights to practice in the other state. Others work for mobile services or at different facilities within the same company. Either way, this multiple-state licensing allows them to practice in several states, all at once. What happens, though, when that nurse is then disciplined in one state? Does it also affect their licensure in other states? Learn more, including what an experienced nursing license defense attorney can do in your Texas Board of Nursing case.State-by-State Discipline Does Not Eliminate the Risk of Interstate Disciplinary ActionEach state is responsible for its own licensing of its nurses. They are also charged with investigating potential actions and behaviors that could endanger a nurse's patients or the public, and for carrying out disciplinary actions when warranted. State-by-state handling of licensure does not eliminate interstate communication, however, nor does it eliminate your risk of facing disciplinary action from more than one state at a time.Also, because nurses are supposed to report any disciplinary action they face in one state to all other states in which they are licensed, one could face additional consequences for not self-reporting. However, timing in such a situation is critical; speak to an experienced attorney before you notify any state board of an investigation or pending disciplinary action from the BON.Disciplinary Action Can Be Seen by Potential EmployersEven when disciplinary action in one state does not spark action in another, it could affect your ability to obtain future employment in another state. Thanks to technology, employers can easily look up your licensing information to determine if any actions have been taken against you in other states. They can also see why the action was taken, and they may make snap judgments about you, based on the information they find. Thankfully, it is possible to mitigate against such issues, so long as you are proactive about your approach.Reducing the Risk of Disciplinary Action Before It HappensYou do not have to muddle through a BON investigation alone, nor do you simply have to accept the consequences that they want to dole out. Instead, you can fight back and protect your nursing license - in Texas as well as any other states where you hold licensure - with the help of an experienced Texas nursing license defense lawyer. With nearly 30 years of experience in the medical-legal arena and a commitment to helping you achieve the most favorable outcome possible in your case, Oscar San Miguel, Attorney at Law, is the firm to trust. Call 512-228-7946 and schedule a free consultation to learn more.Source: More