Addiction is experienced by individuals of all ages, in all walks of life, and of all professions; it does not discriminate. Yet, when it comes to the nursing field, the consequences of addiction are usually higher. That is because nurses have more than just their health and emotional and financial well-being on the line; they could also lose their right to practice. Thankfully, it is possible to mitigate against the risk of a suspended nursing license while seeking treatment for an addiction. Learn more in the following sections, including how the experienced assistance of an attorney can improve the outcome of your case.Understanding the Risk of AddictionThough they have access to controlled substances, the rate of addiction for nurses is no higher than the general population's. That suggests that the nurses who suffer from an addiction might have dealt with the issue, regardless of their profession. Sadly, their career does complicate the recovery process. If caught diverting or using drugs by the Texas Board of Nursing (BON), they could be investigated and reprimanded. Consequences can include everything from mandatory drug testing and temporary suspension to the permanent revocation of one's license.Seeking Treatment Can Jeopardize Your Nursing LicenseSeeking treatment for drug or alcohol addiction might seem like the most straightforward way to protect one's license, but this is rarely the case. Instead, it sometimes tips off the BON and sparks an investigation. If evidence of an infraction is found - anything from drug diversion to endangering the life of a patient while allegedly under the influence of drugs or alcohol - one could experience the very same consequences as an actively addicted nurse. Thankfully, nurses who wish to recover from their addiction can do so without further jeopardizing their license. An experienced nursing license defense lawyer can explain how.Contact Our Seasoned Texas Nursing License Defense LawyerWith nearly 30 years of experience in the medical-legal arena, Oscar San Miguel, Attorney at Law, is the firm to call. Able to advise as you seek treatment for addiction, and capable of protecting your nursing license if you are investigated, our skilled Texas nursing license defense lawyer will work hard to ensure you are not punished for trying to recover. No matter what the situation, we will aggressively pursue the most favorable outcome possible. Call 512-228-7946 and schedule your free and personalized consultation with us today.Source: More