Keyera Corp. 2024 CDP Corporate Questionnaire 2024 Word version Important: this export excludes unanswered questions This document is an export of your organization's CDP questionnaire response. It contains all data points for questions that are answered or in progress. There may be questions or data points that you have been requested to provide, which are missing from this document because they are currently unanswered. Please note that it is your responsibility to verify that your questionnaire response is complete prior to submission. CDP will not be liable for any failure to do so. Terms of disclosure for corporate questionnaire 2024 - CDP . 10/30/2024, 06:51 pm Contents 1 C1. Introduction (1.1) In which language are you submitting your response? Select from: English (1.2) Select the currency used for all financial information disclosed throughout your response. Select from: CAD (1.3) Provide an overview and introduction to your organization. (1.3.2) Organization type Select from: Publicly traded organization (1.3.3) Description of organization Keyera operates an integrated Canadian-based energy infrastructure business with extensive interconnected assets and depth of expertise in delivering energy solutions. Our predominantly fee-for-service-based business consists of natural gas gathering and processing; natural gas liquids processing, transportation, storage, and marketing; iso-octane production and sales; and an industry-leading condensate system in the Edmonton/Fort Saskatchewan area of Alberta. We employ over 1,000 people at 20 facilities and offices across Alberta and Oklahoma. We strive to provide high-quality,value-added services to our customers across North America and are committed to conducting business ethically, safely, and in an environmentally and financially responsible manner. [Fixed row] (1.4) State the end date of the year for which you are reporting data. For emissions data, indicate whether you will be providing emissions data for past reporting years. 2 End date of reporting year Alignment of this reporting period with Indicate if you are providing emissions your financial reporting period data for past reporting years 12/31/2023 Select from: Select from: ☑ Yes ☑ No [Fixed row] (1.4.1) What is your organization's annual revenue for the reporting period? 7050000000 (1.5) Provide details on your reporting boundary. Is your reporting boundary for your CDP disclosure the same as that used in your financial statements? Select from: ☑ Yes [Fixed row] (1.6) Does your organization have an ISIN code or another unique identifier (e.g., Ticker, CUSIP, etc.)? ISIN code - bond (1.6.1) Does your organization use this unique identifier? Select from: Yes 3 (1.6.2) Provide your unique identifier CA493271101 ISIN code - equity (1.6.1) Does your organization use this unique identifier? Select from: No CUSIP number (1.6.1) Does your organization use this unique identifier? Select from: Yes (1.6.2) Provide your unique identifier 493271 Ticker symbol (1.6.1) Does your organization use this unique identifier? Select from: Yes (1.6.2) Provide your unique identifier KEY SEDOL code 4 (1.6.1) Does your organization use this unique identifier? Select from: No LEI number (1.6.1) Does your organization use this unique identifier? Select from: Yes (1.6.2) Provide your unique identifier 8VOXFDJBZOINI84RFT53 D-U-N-S number (1.6.1) Does your organization use this unique identifier? Select from: Yes (1.6.2) Provide your unique identifier 25-096-3352 Other unique identifier (1.6.1) Does your organization use this unique identifier? Select from: No [Add row] 5 (1.7) Select the countries/areas in which you operate. Select all that apply Canada United States of America (1.19) In which part of the oil and gas value chain does your organization operate? Oil and gas value chain Midstream (1.24) Has your organization mapped its value chain? (1.24.1) Value chain mapped Select from: Yes, we have mapped or are currently in the process of mapping our value chain (1.24.2) Value chain stages covered in mapping Select all that apply Upstream value chain Downstream value chain (1.24.3) Highest supplier tier mapped Select from: Tier 1 suppliers (1.24.4) Highest supplier tier known but not mapped Select from: Tier 2 suppliers 6 (1.24.7) Description of mapping process and coverage Keyera value chain was mapped by following the molecule for each commodity that Keyera handles from upstream to downstream customers. [Fixed row] (1.24.1) Have you mapped where in your direct operations or elsewhere in your value chain plastics are produced, commercialized, used, and/or disposed of? ( Plastics mapping Select from: No, and we do not plan to within the next two years ( Primary reason for not mapping plastics in your value chain Select from: Not an immediate strategic priority ( Explain why your organization has not mapped plastics in your value chain Keyera is not in the business of plastic manufacturing, but it does supply products, namely ethane & propane, that can be used as feedstock in the plastics manufacturing process. At the moment, Keyera has not mapped out a plastics value chain formally as it is focused on sustainability factors material to the business. [Fixed row] 7 C2. Identification, assessment, and management of dependencies, impacts, risks, and opportunities (2.1) How does your organization define short-,medium-, and long-term time horizons in relation to the identification, assessment, and management of your environmental dependencies, impacts, risks, and opportunities? Short-term (2.1.1) From (years) 1 (2.1.3) To (years) 3 (2.1.4) How this time horizon is linked to strategic and/or financial planning Keyera's corporate strategy, capital investment framework and business planning processes consider near-term (one to three years), medium-term (three to 10 years), and long-term (10 to 25 years) timeframes. Our corporate strategy and accompanying decision making and planning processes are guided by our four strategy pillars. For the one-to-three year timeframe, we establish annual objectives and focus areas which helps us to prioritize and deliver on our near and long-term goals. We also have a specific short-term financial framework which guides our efforts to manage cash flow stability and generate defined risk-adjusted returns. Keyera has a defined Corporate Strategy Statement which outlines our corporate objectives for five years. Behind our corporate strategy is a set of basic beliefs about the current and future direction of markets, industry and our internal capabilities. This helps ensure our strategy is grounded in a cohesive understanding of internal and external factors. The strategy provides clear financial objectives and a path to achieving those objectives through our four strategic pillars. Medium-term (2.1.1) From (years) 4 (2.1.3) To (years) 10 8 (2.1.4) How this time horizon is linked to strategic and/or financial planning Keyera has a defined Corporate Strategy Statement which outlines our corporate objectives for five years. Behind our corporate strategy is a set of basic beliefs about the current and future direction of markets, industry and our internal capabilities. This helps ensure our strategy is grounded in a cohesive understanding of internal and external factors. The strategy provides clear financial objectives and a path to achieving those objectives through our four strategic pillars. Long-term (2.1.1) From (years) 11 (2.1.2) Is your long-term time horizon open ended? Select from: No (2.1.3) To (years) 25 (2.1.4) How this time horizon is linked to strategic and/or financial planning A number of our business planning considerations are long-term in nature, including our analysis of long-term market fundamentals and industry development views. These views will influence our nearer term actions and strategies needed to maintain business resilience over time. Many of our contracts and partnerships extend beyond the 11-year timeframe. In addition, Keyera's long-term GHG viable is set for 2035. [Fixed row] (2.2) Does your organization have a process for identifying, assessing, and managing environmental dependencies and/or impacts? 9 Attachments Original document Permalink Disclaimer Keyera Corporation published this content on October 31, 2024 , and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on October 31, 2024 at 14:33:03.159 .