Yesterday's speaker for the Brantford/Brant Chamber of Commerce 'Women in Business' was Eleanor Wood. I had never heard of her as many of you probably haven't, but all I can say for those of you who were unable to attend is; you missed a good one. This unassuming woman presented before us with a beaming smile and a radiant personality. She reminded us to be proud of ourselves and women in general for the accomplishments we have achieved over the decades. Yes, she discussed well known important female accomplishments but in her wonderful way she also reflected on the seemingly minor items that women have gained. This all conveyed in an engaging, belly laughing delivery. So even though I may not have known who Eleanor Wood was yesterday, today my hat goes off to her. In the remainder of my day and evening I reflected on why Eleanor's speech had such a bearing on my day and although she may not know it she shared two important items yesterday. Eleanor imbedded an element of something I had not seen in a long time and it hit me what exactly it was and I wanted to share - 'Good Clean Fun'.Many of you may wonder what I am babbling on about; but for those of you who have reached a certain age like me, we can all reflect on something Eleanor provides that we have seen slowly fade away. While looking around the room yesterday I watched every woman experiencing the same full deep belly laugh as I was enjoying. Think quickly about the last time you actually can say this happened in your day for more than an instant. She did this while engaging us in conversation about everyday things in an upbeat and humorous way that was completely void of course language or crude implications. I am privileged enough to have experienced in my lifetime an era when people used courtesy when speaking to others. Manners were present everywhere and taught to us as soon as soon as we could walk. TV programs were oriented to families and we need not worry about watching something with a pre-warning about strong language, extreme violence, nudity and explicit content. Many of us grew up watching re-runs of black and white comedies that our parents enjoyed such as Ed the Talking Horse; Leave it to Beaver & I Love Lucy. My generation had programs like Gilligan's Island, I Dream of Jeanie and Green Acres. Such clean harmless programs that we all still remember fondly no matter how corny they may seem. Evening programing was geared to families with comedies or shows like Sony & Cher, Carol Burnett or Columbo. All shows that make you laugh or smile or think, without any graphic murder scenes, sexual images or explicit language. When you open up your paper or news app every morning it makes you cringe at some of the vile things we read have occurred. In many ways I believe the loss of 'Good Clean Fun' is why this generation is deteriorating. We may have achieved much in technology over the past several years, but lost many of our values and sense of morality that was present for so long. Turn on your TV for your children and try and find a cartoon or comedy program that does not include violence, family members ridiculing family members, children being made to emulate adults, or crude innuendos. You will be hard pressed to do this. We did this, in our ever continuing quest to 'improve our lives' we lost the value of 'Good Clean Fun'. Today so much of what we consider 'Fun' programing, comedy or good speakers is chucked full of the same inferences or crude overtones that at one time would have been looked down upon. I am as much to blame as I watch it too. That brings me back to Eleanor's speech yesterday. Totally engaging and full of comedy yet completely ethical on every level. We have come so far - but isn't a shame we could not step back just a bit; to 'Good Clean Fun'? Eleanor Wood thanks! Thank you for improving my day and making me remember how important 'Good Clean Fun' really is.