Source: Paradigm Blog

Paradigm Blog JLL: Over 30 Percent of All U.S. Office Space Will be Flexible by 2030

How much flexible space can the office market take? All signs point to “significantly more,” according to JLL’s latest research, Flexing Their Muscles: Markets to Watch in 2019. Flexible space inventory (including coworking space, incubators and other short-term space options) has grown at an annual rate of 23 percent since 2010. In 2018, flexible space accounted for more than two-thirds of the country’s office market occupancy gains. JLL predicts it will comprise approximately a third of the market by 2030, compared to less than five percent today. “The world’s top companies recognize there is no one-size-fits-all flexible approach, just like there’s no one type of worker,” said Doug Sharp, President, JLL Corporate Solutions, Americas. “Flexible space options allow workers and teams to select the right space to perform work each day in a location that will help realize their company’s mission and their own ambitions. This is one of the reasons we see so much runway for flex space in U.S. office markets – it addresses several core needs for employers and employees alike.”

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