Source: Sittin Pretty Studio Salon Blog

Sittin Pretty Studio Salon Blog 1.17.14

As my due date got closer, I had no idea what to expect when it was time to have our baby. Even though baby boy surprised us and came a month early, the experience was one of the best of my life and I loved every minute of it. I'm going to keep this short and let the pictures tell the water broke at home early that morningwe called my dr and went straight to the hospitalAfter about 13 hours of labor, contractions about 1 minute apart, I got the epiduralaround 9:30 they discovered baby boy was breech and we would need to do an emergency c-section (1 of 5 that night which is extremely unusual) Rowan was taken to the NICU where he stayed for 48 hours. We spent a total of 4 days in the hospital with lots of visits from family and friends. It was a truly beautiful experience. Below is my absolute favorite picture from the night. After my c-section in the OR the Dr and Nurses were bringing Rowan over for dad to hold for the first time. But I refused to let him until we were back in the room where I could see the first moment, and get it on camera. And I am SO glad I was a mean wife and let him wait. Because I have this precious moment on camera forever...Being a mother is the greatest calling and I could not have a better man to be by my side.xoxosarah g

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