Since our launch, Slides has been an amazing place to create, share, and live present presentations. Today, we're excited to publicly unveil the top-most requested feature on Slides: shared editing of presentations, what we're calling Collaborate.With Collaborate on Slides, we've made it incredibly easy to work together with others. All a collaborator needs is a free Slides account (they'll be prompted to sign up if they don't yet have one) and a web browser.As the presentation owner, you have full control over how others can access your presentation. When inviting a collaborator, you assign them a role - to view and comment, edit, or have access to invite others, too. You can also revoke access at any time.Comments are made on the active slide, so the context is tracked and browsable. There is also a master comment thread showing the entire conversation. If there are new comments while a collaborator is offline, they are caught up via an email summary.With Collaborate, it's easy for everyone to follow along in real-time and instantly provide feedback, saving lots of time in the process.Available nowTo give Collaborate a try, sign in to your Slides account, open a presentation in the editor and press the Collaborate icon in the top right corner. Take a look at the help article if you'd like to learn more and see some screenshots.If you don't yet have a Slides account, you can sign up here. - Slides Team