3 DIY Renovation Projects to Attract Military BuyersExpert ContributorWednesday, May 9, 2018 - 08:00Wednesday, May 9, 2018 - 08:01Military families are a rare breed, but one that makes up quite a large majority of the country's workforce and housing market. They are no strangers to having to pick up and move every couple of years, but more and more they are understanding that it makes the most fiscal sense for them to buy as opposed to rent at every duty station.Not unlike many civilian home buyers, Military families are looking for function first and foremost. They live their lives day in and day out being consumed by their career, so why wouldn't they look for the same trait in a home? You know how the saying goes: a place for everything and everything in its place.If you're looking to appeal to the military market on your home sale, check out these 3 renovation projects to give your home the edge when you're ready to list it during the next transfer season:mplo15-r_300px.jpg1. Space-Saving Storage Compartments in the Kitchen: Even in the tightest of quarters, making the most of your space means getting the most for your money. Add a pull-out organizer to each of your under the counter cabinets; install vertical risers to house things like baking sheets and serving trays. A little bit of organization goes a long way, especially in the kitchen.2. Maximize Efficiency in the Bathroom: Service Members have had to use communal bathrooms since the conception of our great Nation, so why not add a few upgrades to your bathroom at home to maximize productivity, especially where the kids are involved. Getting the "troops" ready for school in the morning can seem like a huge feat when there's a line in the hallway just to brush teeth before breakfast. Simple additions like installing another sink could go a long way in simplifying morning routines for everyone involved.5516231AlvinaG3121_300px.jpg3. Vinyl Flooring has Still Got it Going On: Vinyl Flooring is actually still a thing, and you'd be hard pressed to find a better alternative when it comes to both cost effectiveness and durability. Military families usually come with kids, and it's no secret that they can be hard on flooring. The good news is that vinyl no longer equates to cheap and tacky. In addition to newer, more modern sheet vinyl designs, some LVPs (Luxury Vinyl Planks), look just like hard wood but don't carry the potential baggage of scratches, buckling, and discoloration.Making a few small but meaningful renovations to your home before listing it can give you the edge in a buyer's market. When it comes to attracting military families, remember that adding purpose to your DIY home face-lifts is key.Lynn Black is a graduate of Christopher Newport University with over a decade of experience in marketing strategies and content writing. She is a military spouse to a member of the United States Coast Guard. Lynn has experience completing DIY projects and will be tackling an upcoming home renovation using Bargain Outlet products.