Source: TimeToInvest Blog

TimeToInvest Blog Life Insurance for a non-resident in Canada

In Canada it is difficult to get life insurance coverage if you are not a Canadian resident or Citizen. Assumption Life however has a solution, you may be eligible to get life insurance coverage up to $500,000*.Available ProductsNon-residents are eligible to apply for five of Assumptions products. FlexTerm, FlexOptions, ParPlus, Golden Protection and Total Protection. The products can serve to cover a variety of needs for individuals and their families.Who Can Apply?So you are ready to apply! Assumption has certain restrictions on who can apply but below is a list of categories that are available.Convention refugeesCaregivers or nanniesImmigrants with a one-year full-time work visaOpen work visasStudentsPhysiciansInvestors, entrepreneurs and self-employedLanded immigrantsFor more information and/or to apply for coverage please contact Neil today. More information is available as to the restrictions for each category upon request.

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