There are a lot of restaurants in Denver, even more in the entire state of Colorado and then when you extend out into the entire United States, you're really expanding the reach to an insane amount of eating establishments. Tripadvisor has put out their "Top Everyday Eats" list and they have put a restaurant in Denver as one of the best in the entire country, that restaurant is the Corrine Restaurant which comes in as the 6th best in the entire country. Corinne is located at 1455 California Street in Denver and has over 600 5-star reviews on Tripadvisor and over 1000 4.5-star reviews on Google, in addition, I've had a few of my good friends rave about this place over the years as well. The great thing about the Corinne Restaurant by looking at the menu is the variety of menus and food they have to offer at pretty reasonable prices too. Whether you want brunch, lunch, dinner, or just a place to hang out for appetizers and a drink, they have you covered with everything from sandwiches and apps to steak, pork, chicken, and seafood dishes. Oh, and let's not forget about the decadent desserts This all looks and sounds delicious but let's hear from people that have actually been here and see what they had to say about the Corinne Restaurant and see why Tripadvisor has this ranked as one of the best in the entire United States. Another reviewer had this to say: And one more just for good measure: The next time you're in Denver, this may be something you want to check out, I know my wife and I will be doing just that.
Tripadvisor is a Massachusetts-based travel technology company that owns and operates brands offering services such as tour management, and ticket reservation.