This home has inside valleys, low sloped roofs and gutter that end next to a tall wall, many of the common places for leaf guard issues to develop.Leaf guard issues start with the very thing that each and every one of us wants to address: keeping any and all debris from getting into our gutters. Whether you live in the Pacific Northwest and are dealing with tiny fir needles, in the deep south trying to address long pine needles, up North getting frustrated cleaning around maples and oaks, trees are beautiful but dirty things to have around your home.Trapped roof debris is an leaf guard issue whether it sits over, on or in your gutter guard. Let's start by explaining what we mean by presenting the roof problems:Leaf guard issues start from debris trapped on your roofThe top debris issues you'll find with your roof relate to its slope, where your roof forms inside valleys and places where gutters end next to a taller wall.Low pitch leaf guard issuesLow pitched roofs are more likely to collect debris. Debris will also sit longer on a low pitched roof. It makes sense, the flatter the roof the more it acts like a table or a shelf, the steeper it is, the harder it is for something to sit on it. When MasterShield dealers send an estimator to a home, we suggest they assess the roof, looking for trapped roof debris. This gives them the opportunity to let homeowners know that a gutter guard isn't going to make the roof rid itself of these issues any faster or differently. In fact, the flatter the roof, the more likely it is that debris will sit on the gutter guard, another point the homeowner should know.This is one of the reasons why MasterShield became the first microfiltration gutter guard to be angled like your roof. If the system is installed this way, it has the best chance of shedding debris and avoiding common leaf guard issues found in products which install flat or virtually flat.