In December, the Justice Department announced charges for three defendants who pleaded guilty to creating and operating two botnets which targeted IoT devices, thrusting the Mirai malware back into the spotlight. “The Mirai and Clickfraud botnet schemes are powerful reminders that as we continue on a path of a more interconnected world, we must guard against the threats posed by cybercriminals that can quickly weaponize technological developments to cause vast and varied types of harm,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Cronan. “The Criminal Division will remain constantly vigilant in combating these sophisticated schemes, prosecuting cybercriminals, and protecting the American people.” Government agencies have vowed to remain constantly vigiliant, and of course some of that onus falls on the private sector as well. In light of the recent ruling, we’ll look back on some of the lessons learned from Mirai and how it has changed the requirements of modern day cybersecurity.