Waze is one of Bad Intersections's top competitors. Waze is a Private company that was founded in Mountain View, California in 2007. Waze is in the GPS, Nav & Guidance field. Waze has 460 more employees vs. Bad Intersections.
Bad Intersections VS Verisk
Verisk is perceived as one of Bad Intersections's biggest rivals. Verisk was founded in 1971 in Jersey City, New Jersey. Verisk competes in the Analytics industry. Verisk generates $2.9B more revenue than Bad Intersections.
Bad Intersections VS INRIX
INRIX is a top competitor of Bad Intersections. INRIX's headquarters is in Kirkland, Washington, and was founded in 2004. INRIX competes in the Analytics field. INRIX generates 4,022% of Bad Intersections's revenue.
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read the original version on: www.retailnews.asia Waze users know that the directions offered by the app to a specific destination are enhanced by the ...