Accenture CEO Julie Sweet has an approval rating of 57 out of 100 compared to Cognizant CEO S Ravi Kumar who has an approval rating of 79 out of 100. Sweet’s approval rating is lower than S Ravi Kumar’s rating. With an employee count of 738,000 people, Accenture outnumbers Cognizant which has an employee count totaling 355,300 people. Accenture generates greater annual revenue than Cognizant. Cognizant’s annual revenue is $19.4B while Accenture generates a total annual revenue of $63.1B. Cognizant has 57 subsidiaries with its latest acquisition of Mobica Limited occurring in Jan 2023. Accenture jas 263 subsidiaries. The latest acquisition of Objectivity Ltd. occurred in May 2023. Accenture added Alan Jope to its Board of Directors in Apr 2023.
Atos CEO Nourdine Bihmane has an approval rating of 72 out of 100 compared to Cognizant CEO S Ravi Kumar who has an approval rating of 79 out of 100. Bihmane’s approval rating is higher than S Ravi Kumar’s rating. With an employee count of 111,000 people, Atos is outnumbered by Cognizant which has an employee count totaling 355,300 people. Atos generates less annual revenue than Cognizant. Cognizant’s annual revenue is $19.4B while Atos generates a total annual revenue of $12.1B. Cognizant has 57 subsidiaries with its latest acquisition of Mobica Limited occurring in Jan 2023. Atos has 37 subsidiaries. The latest acquisition of Cloudreach Limited occurred in Dec 2021. Atos saw revenue change from $12.11B in Dec 2022 to $12.10B in Mar 2023.
Capgemini CEO Aiman Ezzat has an approval rating of 76 out of 100 compared to Cognizant CEO S Ravi Kumar who has an approval rating of 79 out of 100. Ezzat’s approval rating is higher slightly less than S Ravi Kumar’s rating. With an employee count of 359,600 people, Capgemini outnumbers Cognizant which has an employee count totaling 355,300 people. Capgemini generates more annual revenue than Cognizant. Cognizant’s annual revenue is $19.4B while Capgemini generates a total annual revenue of $23.5B. Cognizant has 57 subsidiaries with its latest acquisition of Mobica Limited occurring in Jan 2023. Capgemini has 36 subsidiaries with the latest acquisition of 23red Limited occurring in Nov 2022. Capgemini launched Capgemini Invent in Nov 2022. In Jul 2022, Steffen Elsaesser joined Capgemini as the Chief Transformation Officer and Member of the Group Executive Committee.