John Deere Competitors or Alternatives

John Deere's top competitors include Caterpillar, CNH and Kubota.








John Deere's company profile

John C. May

Chairman & CEO

John Deere's Competitor - Caterpillar logo

D. James Umpleby

Chairman & CEO

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John Deere's Competitor - CNH logo

Gerrit Marx


John Deere's Competitor - Kubota logo

Yuichi Kitao


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John Deere's Competitor - Mahindra logo

Anish Shah

Managing Director & CEO

John Deere's Competitor - CLAAS KGaA mbH logo

Jan-Hendrik Mohr


10,000 - 50,000
$5B - 10B

John Deere VS Caterpillar

James Umpleby, Caterpillar CEO has an approval rating of 90 out of 100. This rating is higher than that of John C. May, CEO at Deere. May has an approval rating of 81 out of 100. With 82,200 employees, Deere has a smaller number of individuals employed than Caterpillar which has 109,100 employees. The total annual revenue of Caterpillar is $61.7B. Caterpillar’s total annual revenue is more than the amount Deere generated. Deere’s total annual revenue is $61.7B. Caterpillar has 16 subsidiaries with its latest acquisition of Tangent Energy Solutions, Inc. occurring May 2022. In May 2023, it was announced that Caterpillar will collaborate with Van Oord, Pon Equipment, and Pon Power to explore the development of zero exhaust-emission heavy-duty equipment. Caterpillar's revenue increased from $59.43B in Dec 2022 to $61.70B in Mar 2023. In Dec 2022, Caterpillar welcomed Lou Balmer-Millaras Chief Sustainability Officer.

John Deere VS CNH

Scott Wellington Wine, CNH CEO has an approval rating of 94 out of 100. This rating is higher than that of John C. May, CEO at Deere. May has an approval rating of 81 out of 100. With 82,200 employees, Deere has a larger number of individuals employed than CNH which has 71,895 employees. The total annual revenue of CNH is $24.2B. CNH’s total annual revenue is significantly less than the amount Deere generated. Deere’s total annual revenue is $61.7B. CNH has 17 subsidiaries with its latest acquisition of Bennamann Ltd. occurring in Mar 2023. CNH saw a revenue increase from $23.55B in Dec 2022 to $24.25B in Mar 2023. CNH acquired Industrial acquired Hemisphere GNSS, Inc. for $175M in Mar 2023. Richard Miller joined CNH as SVP of Internal Audit in Nov 2022.

John Deere VS Doosan

Jeongwon Park is the CEO at Doosan. Park has an approval rating of 66 out of 100. This approval rating is significantly lower than the rating of John C. May, CEO at Deere. May has an approval rating of 81 out of 100. Doosan has an employee count of 2,034 compared to Deere which has 82,200 employees. Deere’s total annual revenue is $61.7B. While Doosan generated a smaller amount of annual revenue totaling $13.5B. Doosan has 4 subsidiaries with its latest acquisition of Tesna, Inc. occurring Mar 2022. Doosan saw revenue increase from $10.51B in Sep 2022 to $13.53B in Dec 2022. In Feb 2023, Doosan partnered with HyAxiom, and the South Australian government to boost the green hydrogen industry. In Feb 2023, Doosan launched two new ranges of heavy-lifting electric trucks. The latest big leadership announcement was made in Jan 2017 when Heiyeon Lee was named Technical VPat Doosan.

Frequently Asked Questions about John Deere

  1. Who are John Deere's top competitors?

    John Deere's top 3 competitors are Caterpillar, CNH, Kubota.
  2. Who is similar to John Deere?

    Caterpillar is the most similar to John Deere. CNH and Kubota are also similar to John Deere.
  1. Are John Deere and Caterpillar competitors?

    Yes, Caterpillar is one of John Deere’s top competitors.