Infosys Competitors or Alternatives

Infosys's top competitors include Cognizant, Accenture and Tech Mahindra.








Infosys's company profile

Salil S. Parekh

Managing Director & CEO

Infosys's Competitor - Cognizant logo

S Ravi Kumar


Infosys's Competitor - Accenture logo

Julie Sweet

Chairman & CEO

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Infosys's Competitor - Tech Mahindra logo

Mohit Joshi

Managing Director & CEO

Infosys's Competitor - Wipro logo

Srinivas Pallia

Managing Director & CEO

Infosys's Competitor - TCS logo

K. Krithivasan

Managing Director & CEO

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Infosys VS TCS

TCS CEO Rajesh Gopinathan has an approval rating of 69 out of 100 compared to Infosys CEO Salil S. Parekh who has an approval rating of 69 out of 100. Vasant Narasimhan has an approval rating that is the same as the approval rating of Salil S. Parekh received. With an employee count of 616,171 people, TCS outnumbers Infosys which has an employee count totaling 346,845 people. TCS generates greater annual revenue than Infosys. Infosys’s annual revenue is $17.9B while TCS generates a total annual revenue of $27.1B. Infosys has 20 subsidiaries with its latest acquisition of BASE life science A/S occurring in Jul 2022. TCS has 6 subsidiaries with its latest acquisition of Postbank Systems AG occurring Nov 2020.

Infosys VS Wipro

Wipro CEO Thierry Delaporte has an approval rating of 70 out of 100 compared to Infosys CEO Salil S. Parekh who has an approval rating of 69 out of 100. Thierry Delaporte’s approval rating is slightly higher than Salil S. Parekh’s rating. With an employee count of 258,744 people, Wipro is outnumbered by Infosys which has an employee count totaling 346,845 people. Wipro generates less annual revenue than Infosys. Infosys’s annual revenue is $17.9B while Wipro generates a total annual revenue of $11.3B. Infosys has 20 subsidiaries with its latest acquisition of BASE life science A/S occurring in Jul 2022. Wipro has 23 subsidiaries with its latest acquisition of Rizing Holdings, LLC occurring Apr 2022. It was announced in May 2023 that Wipro welcomed Soeren Lorenzen as Chief Growth Officer of Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa.

Infosys VS HCL

HCL CEO C Vijayakumar has an approval rating of 57 out of 100 compared to Infosys CEO Salil S. Parekh who has an approval rating of 69 out of 100. Vijayakumar’s approval rating is lower than Salil S. Parekh’s rating. With an employee count of 225,944 people, HCL is outnumbered by Infosys which has an employee count totaling 346,845 people. HCL generates less annual revenue than Infosys. Infosys’s annual revenue is $17.9B while HCL generates a total annual revenue of $12.5B. Infosys has 20 subsidiaries with its latest acquisition of BASE life science A/S occurring in Jul 2022. HCL has 25 subsidiaries with its latest acquisition of Quest Informatics Private Limited occurring May 2022. In Mar 2023, HCL launched a service that enables enterprises to give customers real-time, immersive experiences in the metaverse.

Frequently Asked Questions about Infosys

  1. Who are Infosys's top competitors?

    Infosys's top 3 competitors are Cognizant, Accenture, Tech Mahindra.
  2. Who is similar to Infosys?

    Cognizant is the most similar to Infosys. Accenture and Tech Mahindra are also similar to Infosys.
  1. Are Infosys and Cognizant competitors?

    Yes, Cognizant is one of Infosys’s top competitors.