is Mailfence's top competitor. is a Private company that was founded in Montijo, Setúbal District in 2013. operates in the Non-Profit Organization industry. has 23 more employees vs. Mailfence.
Mailfence VS Posteo e.K.
Posteo e.K. has been one of Mailfence's top competitors. Posteo e.K. is headquartered in Berlin, Berlin, and was founded in 2009. Posteo e.K. is in the Email Services field. Posteo e.K. generates 80% the revenue of Mailfence.
Mailfence VS SCRYPTmail
SCRYPTmail is perceived as one of Mailfence's biggest rivals. SCRYPTmail was founded in 2014 in Spokane, Washington. SCRYPTmail competes in the Email Services field. SCRYPTmail generates $3.9M less revenue than Mailfence.