Chef's Plate is Plated's top competitor. Chef's Plate is a Private company that was founded in Toronto, Ontario in 2014. Chef's Plate operates in the Food/Groceries Delivery industry. Chef's Plate has 150 fewer employees vs. Plated.
Plated VS Home Chef
Home Chef has been one of Plated's top competitors. Home Chef is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, and was founded in 2013. Home Chef is in the Food Distribution field. Home Chef generates 270% the revenue of Plated.
Plated VS Chef’d
Chef’d is perceived as one of Plated's biggest rivals. Chef’d was founded in 2014 in El Segundo, California. Chef’d competes in the Food/Groceries Delivery field. Chef’d generates $90M less revenue than Plated.
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Frequently Asked Questions about Plated
Who are Plated's top competitors?
Plated's top 3 competitors are Chef's Plate, Home Chef, Chef’d.
Who is similar to Plated?
Chef's Plate is the most similar to Plated. Home Chef and Chef’d are also similar to Plated.
Are Plated and Chef's Plate competitors?
Yes, Chef's Plate is one of Plated’s top competitors.