Urban Company Competitors or Alternatives

Urban Company's top competitors include Housejoy, Premend and Mr Right.








Urban Company's company profile

Abhiraj Singh Bhal

Co-Founder & CEO

5,000 - 10,000
$25M - 100M
Urban Company's Competitor - Housejoy logo

Sanchit Gaurav

Co-Founder & CEO

250 - 500
$5M - 25M
Urban Company's Competitor - Premend logo

Sanjay Meena


25 - 100
- -
$5M - 25M
Urban Company's Competitor - Mr Right logo

Prashant Chaudhary


25 - 100
- -
$5M - 25M
Urban Company's Competitor - Helpr logo


- -
100 - 250
- -
$5M - 25M
Urban Company's Competitor - Homvery  logo

Prahllad Mittal

Co-Founder & CEO

1 - 25
- -

Urban Company VS Housejoy

Housejoy CEO Sanchit Gaurav has an approval rating of 83 out of 100 compared to Urban Company CEO Ari Bousbib who has an approval rating of 71 out of 100. Gaurav,’s approval rating is higher than the approval rating of Ari Bousbib. With an employee count of 2,500 people, Urban Company outnumbers Housejoy which has an employee count of 420 people. Housejoy generates less total annual revenue than Urban Company. Housejoy ’s annual revenue is $19M while Urban Company generates a total annual revenue of $33.8M. Urban Company has 3 subsidiaries with its latest acquisition of Glamazon Global Trading Pty. Ltd. occurring in Feb 2020. This number is in comparison to Housejoy which has 2 subsidiaries as of Apr 2023. The latest leadership news from Housejoy was the addition of Deepak Thakur as Vice President, Product and Technology.

Urban Company VS Premend

Premend CEO Sanjay Meena has an approval rating of 84 out of 100 compared to Urban Company CEO Ari Bousbib who has an approval rating of 71 out of 100. Meena,’s approval rating is higher than the approval rating of Ari Bousbib. With an employee count of 2,500 people, Urban Company outnumbers Premend which has an employee count of 30 people. Premend generates less total annual revenue than Urban Company. Premend ’s annual revenue is $5M while Urban Company generates a total annual revenue of $33.8M. Urban Company has 3 subsidiaries with its latest acquisition of Glamazon Global Trading Pty. Ltd. occurring in Feb 2020. This number is in comparison to Premend which does not have any subsidiaries as of Apr 2023. The latest leadership news from Premend was Sanjay Meena starting as the company’s Founder in 2016.

Urban Company VS Mr Right

Mr Right CEO Prashant Chaudhary has an approval rating of 84 out of 100 compared to Urban Company CEO Ari Bousbib who has an approval rating of 71 out of 100. Chaudhary,’s approval rating is higher than the approval rating of Ari Bousbib. With an employee count of 2,500 people, Urban Company outnumbers Mr Right which has an employee count of 25 people. Mr Right generates less total annual revenue than Urban Company. Mr Right ’s annual revenue is $5M while Urban Company generates a total annual revenue of $33.8M. Urban Company has 3 subsidiaries with its latest acquisition of Glamazon Global Trading Pty. Ltd. occurring in Feb 2020. This number is in comparison to Mr Right which does not have any subsidiaries as of Apr 2023.

Frequently Asked Questions about Urban Company

  1. Who are Urban Company's top competitors?

    Urban Company's top 3 competitors are Housejoy, Premend, Mr Right.
  2. Who is similar to Urban Company?

    Housejoy is the most similar to Urban Company. Premend and Mr Right are also similar to Urban Company.
  1. Are Urban Company and Housejoy competitors?

    Yes, Housejoy is one of Urban Company’s top competitors.