Infragistics is Vaadin's #1 competitor. Infragistics was founded in Cranbury, New Jersey} in 1989. Like Vaadin, Infragistics also competes in the Web Development & Design industry. Compared to Vaadin, Infragistics generates $21.5M more revenue.
Vaadin VS Vincit
Vincit is one of Vaadin's top competitors. Vincit was founded in 2007 in Tampere, Southern Finland. Like Vaadin, Vincit also operates in the Web Development & Design industry. Vincit generates $91M more revenue than Vaadin.
ROSSUL is a top competitor of Vaadin. ROSSUL was founded in 2003, and is headquartered in North York, Ontario. Like Vaadin, ROSSUL also competes in the Software, Internet & Computer Services field. ROSSUL generates $3.3M more revenue vs. Vaadin.
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Frequently Asked Questions about Vaadin
Who are Vaadin's top competitors?
Vaadin's top 3 competitors are Infragistics, Vincit, ROSSUL.
Who is similar to Vaadin?
Infragistics is the most similar to Vaadin. Vincit and ROSSUL are also similar to Vaadin.
Are Vaadin and Infragistics competitors?
Yes, Infragistics is one of Vaadin’s top competitors.